About TBRI®

What is TBRI®?

Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed, whole-child approach to meeting the complex needs of children and youth who have experienced early adversity, toxic stress and/or relational trauma. TBRI was developed at TCU’s Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross to address the effects of early adversity and relational trauma through three synergistic principles: Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting.

The Connecting Principle is designed to cultivate healthy and healing relationships through Mindful Awareness and Engagement Strategies. The Empowering Principle is designed to support physical needs and regulation through Ecological and Physiological Strategies. The Correcting Principle is designed to address fear-based behaviors through Proactive and Responsive Strategies.





Who is TBRI® for?

TBRI® is designed to meet the complex needs of children who have experienced adversity, early harm, toxic stress, and/or trauma. Because of their histories, it is often difficult for these children to trust the loving adults in their lives, which often results in perplexing behaviors. TBRI® offers practical tools for parents, caregivers, teachers, or anyone who works with children, to see the “whole child” in their care and help that child reach his highest potential.


Where is TBRI® Implemented? 

Although TBRI was originally created for adoptive and foster families, over the years TBRI has been implemented in a variety of settings including child welfare, schools, residential facilities, juvenile justice settings, hospitals, mental health agencies, law enforcement, courts, and more. There are TBRI Practitioners in all 50 states and TBRI is also being implemented internationally. The KPICD has partners operating in over 10 states and 10 countries and system level implementation projects in over 20 states and 20 countries.

© 2023 Texas Christian University. All rights reserved. Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development
College of Science & Engineering | Department of Psychology
Email: child@tcu.edu | Phone: 817.257.7415